Neomasculine and Neofeminine
The world of insanity is directed by these two extreme polarities, and Natural Law tells us that they are both for utopia through dystopic means.
Neo loosely means new, it comes from the Proto-Indo-European root word; newo or greek neo; which means new. However, these two psychological polarities are neither new or consistent with the preservation of harmony and life. In today’s comprehension; Neofeminism and Neomasculinism are both extreme contradictions of the positive aspect of Masculine and Feminine. They don’t form healthy relationships and their psychological expression is almost always paired with contradiction, self-destruction, and tyranny. Maybe there’s a reason why the word neo was used to describe this psychological polarity.
Natural Law advocate Mark Passio reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun. If Natural Law acknowledges the principle of gender, and acknowledges the eternal expression of masculine and feminine energies in everything. It would be a contradiction to what is known, to proclaim that you are a new form of femininity or masculinity. Thus, the internal contradiction that is the Neofeminine and Neomasculine. Two psychologies that think their form of insanity is new. It is not new, it has manifested many times before, it is quite possibly the root cause of the first conflict. Keep in mind, these concepts are psychological, they are not the same as sex. A male can have a Neofeminine psychology and a female can have a Neomasculine psychology. It is all in the expression of behaviours and character aspects.
As you will see in the video above, the idols and deities we worship are represented as masculine or feminine archetypes. How that gender expression is expressed is predicated on the behaviours or psychological characteristics of that archetype. In workshop one, I briefly covered multiple archetypes. The Neofeminist archetypes of Ishtar, Inanna, Kali, and Queen Elyssa embody any feminine archetype that determines that the Masculine character is inherently evil. The belief that follows, is the belief that the Masculine must be removed or emasculated through unrestricted psychological warfare to make way for a Feminine utopia. The Neofeminine must use psychological warfare to wage war against a sufficiently trained Masculine, in physical warfare she doesn’t stand a chance.
As you can imagine, the Neomasculine believes the opposite. That the feminine character is inherently evil, and must be removed or severely constrained down by the rules of a hierarchy to make way for a Masculine utopia. The oldest story we have available to us; The Enuma Elish, basically lays this concept out in Marduk’s triumph over Tiamat. Tiamat is representative of nature, the biological hierarchy that kept us in harmony with all the animals by constraining us to the animal food chain. We evolved out of that, we became the hero who overcame serious adversity “Marduk”. Sadly, we have, as a collective, always ignored our responsibility to protecting that source of biodiversity; Nature. So, every now and then certain members of our species go insane. Their character expression jumps on a psychological pendulum that starts to swing hard. To what? War.
Masculine and Feminine become complacent and ignorant to our surroundings during peaceful times. As a result of this, we fail to see the impact our thriving state has on our surroundings. The undermined state of nature is our fault. Yet, shame is the biggest fear of the human psyche. So, we avoid that reality and cling to what we know, which is a characteristic of the masculine psychology. If things don’t get better, several things might happen. Some will make positive change their driving force, overcoming fear of shame and failure, to build a potential solution to our entrenched ignorance. However, there are those who don’t believe there is a positive solution. They are directed by their obsession with negativity and self-destruction.
They are the types that believe that the road to utopia is found through dystopic means: The removal of the opposite polarity, or the complete removal of gender. They glorify their contradictory belief structure by making themselves experts at pointing out the existence of contradictions in everyone else but themselves. They do this in a foolish attempt to justify their own whopping contradictions. Examples include using statements like; “you’ve got to break a few eggs to make an omelet”. A saying that is true of omelets, but when you are referring to the psyche of society and the pursuit of truth and harmony, history shows; it’s never worked.
Many people are not aware of this, but these lunatics have been manipulating society for thousands of years. They claim the goal is utopia, a perpetual pursuit that is best pursued through open dialogue. Except they don’t like open dialogue, they like to keep the discussion of such existential concepts in the private. Why? To avoid the shame of being wrong? The reality is, there is a bunch of people who have worked to keep knowledge secret. They may claim that this is to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, and maybe there is some truth in that. However, it’s clearly in the wrong hands now, keeping this knowledge occulted at a time like this appears to be in service to “being a lord over the many”. How have they managed to do this for so long? Through manipulation and war.
All of you are being influenced to be the architects of our psychological destruction. One side is convincing you that your salvation will be found in victimhood and the maximization of group identity. The other side will influence and train patiently while self-destructive insanity grows. They will train themselves to be the army that wipes psychological victims from the face of the earth. Sadly, both Masculine and Feminine will be too distracted to see the digital prison being built around them. Even though many of the Masculine are the ones building it. Politics and advertising will convince you that the manufactured cause of the gender divide requires a manufactured solution.
How do you know whether the one speaking is coming from a place of conflict generating contradiction? Listen carefully to their words, ask questions. If they do not own up to their contradictions, and use their ego to hide their shortcomings, then stop listening to them. The Neomasculine will demand far too much order to solve the chaos that was created by NeoFeminine subversion. Yet, don’t forget, the Neomasculine put her in there in the first place. Why? The only way to make a tyrant palatable is to install a mad tyrant. Like I’ve said before, the old problem is never the “neo” solution. If you haven’t already started, start to learn how to interpret psychology, your opposition knows and if you don’t you are at a disadvantage! They want you to join everyone on the hard-swinging pendulum ride to oblivion. Join them at your peril, or be the rhythm.
Maybe the true Neo is born out of a healthy relationship between Masculine and Feminine. If our penchant for war is what keeps us imprisoned, maybe evolving our ability to seek truth peacefully will be what sets us free? After all, winning a battle over Masculine or Feminine doesn’t stop a war, but realising the truth through persistence with the conversation, might.